Saturday, August 11, 2007


A few weeks back a friend and I spent a nice evening out drinking with the folks from Miller Lite. This was our first exposure to The Carp and Miller Lite's Jeep Giveaway. My friend was able to win two Miller Lite t-shirts and I walked away a Qualifier to win a 2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara. Fast forward to last night and we were on the road again, this time we were headed to Loopy's and the Jeep Finals!

Loopy's is located just west of Chippewa Falls on State HWY 29. We arrived promptly at 6:20pm which, according to the flier I possessed, was 5 minutes too late to sign up. Luckily the flier was wrong and we plenty of time to stand in the massive line of qualifiers! There was much discussion about how many qualifiers there actually were and I think by the end of the count they numbered around 200.

There were hundreds of people out at Loopy's this evening. Parking had progressed across the street and down a dirt road for almost a mile. From the outside Loopy's doesn't look like it's an extremely large place, but when you get to the "back yard" you'll find plenty of space to house all of these people. Outside we find 3 beach volleyball courts, 12 large picnic tables, and the huge party tent with many fold-up tables and chairs underneath it. This is where we were able to buy our food and drink tickets at $3 each.

Inside, the main bar is very well-kept and looks fairly new and modernized. There are lots of video machines and TVs throughout the place. We're not sure exactly when the kitchen closes, but there were a lot of people enjoying both food and drink inside the bar.

The menu at Loopy's is pretty much full service and seemed to only lack Steaks. They have "Appeteasers" such as Potato Skins and Cheese Curds, 5 different Salads and many Side Dishes. Their "South of the Border" selection includes 3 different Quesadillas, Tacos, Burritos, and Loopy's World Famous Nachos Grande. They also have 7 different Sandwiches, 8 different Chicken choices from sandwiches to dinners like Chicken Cordon Blue, 6 different Half-pound Burgers, 5 different Pitas including "Veggie Melt", and 5 different pizza choices including basic cheese or Make-Your-Own. They also have a kid's menu and an All-U-Care-to-Eat Pizza Lunch Buffed Served Monday thru Friday from 11:30am until 2pm. On Fridays you can enjoy their Fish and Shrimp specials.

It wasn't until almost 3 hours later at 9:26pm that I finally reached the end of the line of qualifiers... talk about a long line! It was almost like waiting for a roller-coaster ride except I was able to drink beer at the same time. At the end of the line I found out that I had to reach into a stuffed dummy's butt to grab my ticket to see if I made the Finals. The entire qualifying experience was also rated for us by another qualifier, her name is Pam Humpal.

This is what was said about her experience as penned by her friend Sid:
"I arrived with high - no low expectations. Here I am in the Finalist Line. This is very exciting! Miller Lite put me here. I love Miller Lite! Miller Lite made a lot of people happy tonight losers or winners - It was a good time. Isn't American Enterprise great! Outsourcing sucks. See you on!"

After going through the qualifier line we were able to mill about and get to know some of the others that had come out for the good time. T-pain plus 10 said, "We love bartenders".

I decided fairly early that I didn't want to really take a Sausage Factor reading... there were just too many people to count! So instead I chose an area of the crowd and applied that ratio to our entire experience. Our sample included 100 guys and 67 girls for a factor of 1.49 guys for every girl. Not bad, surprisingly. There were many families out this evening and the Attractiveness Rating was very skewed. It seemed almost like we were sitting in a family restaurant when we took in the view of the crowd. We ultimately decided that the rating was around a 6/10 and our female companion stated that from her perspective it was a 4/10. Throughout the evening the experience pretty much stays the same until everyone starts leaving so we'll just leave these readings be.

It wasn't until 12:24am that Debbie Monroe from The Carp finally made it down to the last two qualifiers. Needless to say I wasn't one of them... oh well! I was able to get some pictures of the winner, her name is Jayme Hintzman:

Since the contest was over, things started to die down and we took our second set of readings. The Sausage Factor was now at a 1.73 with 26 guys and 15 girls, and the Attractiveness Rating slumped a bit lower to a 5/10.

There were a lot of staff on hand this evening to serve the hundreds of guests Loopy had over for the giveaway. We noticed that Loopy is a down-to-earth guy and did much of the work himself as things started to slow up. He's a hard worker and takes great care of his bar. It's fairly difficult to come up with a comprehensive review during an event such as this, but I was rather impressed with Loopy's ability to take care of this many people. The experience we had was a great one and the only thing bringing down the Beer Rating is the Attractiveness Rating so I would have to say we have a solid 4/5 Beers. You might even be able to argue that the 5th beer is half-full!

Beer Rating: 4/5
Sausage Factor: 1.61

Attractiveness Rating: 5/10

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